交流電(AC , Alternating Current) , 直流電( DC , Direct current ),就字面上的解釋而言,交流有「交換」之意,直流有「單向」之意。


AC , the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction.

In direct current (DC), the flow of electric charge is only in one direction.


AC – An electric current that changes direction at regular intervals many times a second.

DC – An electric current that flows in one direction


交流電 – 一種電流形式。它向兩個方向來回不斷作週期性的變動,每秒來回一週為一赫茲。其優點在於可通過變壓器依需要改變電壓。

直流電 – 強度不變,而沿著單一方向傳導的電流。相對於交流電而言。

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